One last time to the continent!

This weekend marks my last extracurricular trip of the term!  Sad, I know, but I’ll persevere.  I will be seeking warmer pastures again as I head south to Madrid with two friends of mine for another weekend in the Spanish sun.  Although it won’t be nearly as warm as Seville (I might have to wear sleeves!  GASP!!!), I’m sure it will be a bit more hospitable than rainy Londontown.  As always, I promise to take a lot of pictures and bring back some amazing stories.

In the meantime, here’s some pics from Westminster Hall of Parliament.  After sitting in on a debate about school funding, they announced that Gordon Brown would be making a surprise speech, prompting whispers among the MPs and audience alike.  Brown spoke for approximately 30 mins about Afghanistan and Pakistan in anticipation of the troop increases (Obama spoke of them the following day).  So, now I can officially say that I saw the British PM in person and in action!  We left Parliament as the sun was setting, and walked out onto these landmarks at dusk – some of the many reasons that I love London!

As always, KLTD.

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